Wednesday, June 15, 2005


Lord, I come into Your presence
Here I stand in awesome reverence
Falling before the wonder of Your Name
Humbly now, Lord I surrender
This offering to You forever
Take all I am & use me Lord, I pray.

Make me what You want me to be
Teach me Your ways.

* I lay down my life before You
Throw down my crowns before You
Give up my all for Your name
My Savior, how I adore You
Healer, my heart longs for You
Jesus, You're worthy to be praised.

Jesus, You are Lord forever!!
Jesus, You are Lord forever!!
Jesus, You are Lord forever!!
Jesus, You are Lord forever!!

It has been a habit that I play some music or songs whenever I'm working… That’s to keep me awake instead of dozing off and end up not knowing what nonsense was said to my customers… Planet Shakers is my second choice after Hillsongs and I decided to settle for REFLECTOR today… Usually I just leave the music on, whether or not I was digesting the words, but somehow today, I paid extra attention to them and when this particular song was on, I just stopped whatever I was doing and let the lyrics minister to me…

This song has really taught me about humility in God's presence!! And that only Him and Him alone is Lord forever over my life… Surrendering myself wholly to the will of God, I am willing to be what He calls & wants me to be… Willing to be used by Him in whichever areas He sees me capable of service for Him… Humility means laying down EVERYTHING – my work, my play, my so-called great achievements, my desires, and even my life – for the glory of His name!! Every service, great or small, every deeds, it’s all for Him…

At the end of the day, it is His name that will be glorified!!

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