Monday, June 20, 2005


Haven’t had rallies for such a long time… Anticipating it and finally, here it comes!! Wow, yesterday's worship was superb (Rachel Chan led the worship), and most of the songs were from Planet Shakers, my second favourite band *winkz* !! One song that really ministered to me is from the album ALL THAT I WANT… Titled HERE I AM... It speaks about the willingness of the heart to be used by God, going where He sends me toEven as i am listening to it right this moment, I can feel goosebumps all over, hehe... Well, anyway, just seeing how the youths worshipped the Lord really encouraged me altogether… I believe He is beginning to do something in each of our lives, something different which He has never done before!! Amen? *winkz* Well, for me personally as well...

The message was POWERFUL, I tell you!! It really refreshed me personally… God prompted me certain things again here, and it was at such a perfect time that He delivered them through Pastor Carl Butler, all the way from NZ!! It’s truly very timely, hehe… Good lar… It’s not the matter of who the speaker was, but it’s the timing of the message Getting our lives right with God was the main concern here and I felt that He has been constantly reminding me about this important point… Said a prayer of commitment and felt recharged and reassured about certain stuff in my life… Recharged was the exact word!!

Then as I was back at the LCD, I had a really clear view of those youths who went up for prayers of salvation (speaking of which, we had quite a number of ’em giving their lives up for JC, yoohoo, all glory to God the Father!!), even those who’s fire for the Lord had grown cold and wanted to renew their commitment again… I said a silent prayer for them (and myself), that God will begin to use them (and myself, too) mightily even as young as they are right now (like what 1 Tim 4:12 says)

I pray that the fire will not just stop here, when the rally ends, the fire ends as well, NO!! I want it to go on burning for Jesus (especially in myself…) and to be contagious Christians, spreading His Word like wildfire to places that need His presence, and people that need His love and touch… “We can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens us
…” (Phil 4:13) AMEN!!

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