Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Latest addiction xP

Help!! Help my addiction, haha… Where did I get this from? How did I get addicted? Arrgghh!! I have a short memory and really cant remember how I got to know of this song, but it somehow became “a special item.”. Here's the video. Also the song+lyrics version.

1) 春暖的花开带走冬天的感伤
Chun nuan de hua kai dai zou dong tian de gan shang
Wei feng chui lai lang man de qi xi
Mei yi shou qing ge hu ran chong man yi yi
Wo jiu zai ci ke tu ran jian dao ni

Chun nuan de hua xiang dai zou dong tian de ji han
Wei feng chui lai yi wai de ai qing
Niao er de gao ge la jin wo men ju li
Wo jiu zai ci ke tu ran ai shang ni

Ting wo shuo
手牵手 跟我一起走
Shou qian shou Gen wo yi qi zou
Chuang zhao xing fu de sheng huo
Zuo tian ni lai bu ji
Ming tian jiu hui ke xi
Jin tian jia gei wo hao ma


2) 夏日的热情打动春天的懒散
Xia ri de ri qing da dong chun tian de lan shan
Yang guang zhao yang mei man de jia ting
Mei yi shou qing ge dou hui gou qi hui yi
Xiang dang nian wo shi zen me ren shi ni
Dong tian de you shang jie shu qiu tian de gu dan
Wei feng chui lai ku la de si nian
Niao er de gao ge chang zhe bu yao bie li
Ci ke wo duo me xiang yao yong bao ni

Ting wo shuo
手牵手 跟我一起走
Shou qian shou gen wo yi qi zou
Guo zhe an ding de sheng huo
Zuo tian ni lai bu ji
Ming tian jiu hui ke xi
Jin tian ni yao jia gei wo

Ting wo shuo
手牵手 我们一起

Shou qian shou wo men yi qi zou
Ba ni yi sheng jiao gei wo
Zuo tian bu yao hui tou
Ming tian yao dao bai shou
Jin tian ni yao jia gei wo

Rap: 听着礼堂的钟声
Ting zhe li tang de zhong sheng
Wo men zai shang di he qin you mian qian jian zheng
Zhe dui nan nv sheng jiu yao jie wei fu qi
Bu yao wang le zhe yi qie shi duo mo the shen sheng
Ni yuan yi sheng si ku le yong yuan he ta zai yi qi
爱惜她 尊重她
Ai xi ta zun zhong ta
安慰她 保护着她
An wei ta bao hu zhe ta
Liang ren tong shi jian li qi mei man the jia ting
Ni yuan yi zhe yang zuo ma
Yes I do!

Ting wo shuo
手牵手 一路到尽头
Shou qian shou yi lu dao jin tou
Ba ni yi sheng jiao gei wo
Zuo tian yi shi guo qu
Ming tian geng duo hui yi
Jin tian ni yao jia gei wo

Sunday, November 18, 2007

I feel so old...

“Selamat pagi, kak. Akak nak gi mana? Mari saya tahankan pintu lif.”, was the help offered by a young boy who was the cleaner at my ofis. Hmm… looks like I have to come to terms with the fact that it’s no longer I who calls people aunty, uncle, kak or abang, haha. It is the other way around now. Haih. I feel so old xP but of course, in the office itself, I still am the 2nd youngest, and get to call other older women “kak.” Kekeke

But I guess advancing in age isn’t at all a bad thing. As we grow older, we get to face different stages of life, encounter different experiences, meeting different people from all walks of life. This year’s birthday was a simple yet very meaningful one to me as it was somewhat different from the previous years ;) I got to spend this year with a “special addition”, hehe (I requested that he join us for dinner ;p). But of course, other than spending time with loved ones and friends, it is about His love, mercy & grace that He has shown unconditionally.

It is about living life for His glory. It is about decisions in life that I make based on His guidance and love. It is fast approaching 2 yrs that I make a spiritual transition, and with God’s help, I want to maintain that =D friends come and go along the way. All I am glad is that some were there for a SEASON, others for a REASON, and the rest for a LIFETIME. Thanx especially to my family: my parents for their many years of love and care, and my siblings for all the support, encouragements and not forgetting the help that you all have endlessly given.

Thanx also to my cg members, especially my beloved CG leader Connor, who have always been there for me, whether to cheer me up or to lend a helping hand. It will never go unnoticed. Thanx for loving and accepting me for who I am =) also to 2 of them who have left the cell to be with their other half in spiritual support, and they are none other than Nichole Lim and Evie. Keep on being a contagious Christian no matter where you are, ok?

Last but not least, to the whole group at Mines ICT: 认识你们是我最大的福分。。 谢谢你们那么热心的接受我成为你们的一分子。。 要特别谢谢那位曾经借电动轮椅给我的冠廷。。 还有借房间给我的琳荔。。如果没有房间, 我就不可能去那边玩了。。 如果没有轮椅我就是失去了自由, 哈哈。。

Of course, this is specially dedicated to the latest addition :”> Thanx, dear… 谢谢你不断的鼓励和支持我。。谢谢你让我看见生活上的美满。。It’s just the beginning of a new year :p

Saturday, November 03, 2007

Great singers, great talent...

I don’t think it’s coincidence that I bumped into 2 of our very own talented people from DUMC. I stumbled upon a video with the song All To Jesus I Surrender by our dear Patrick Leong (with Jacklyn Victor). Unintentionally, Juwita Suwito’s Breathe Again You Tube came on when I was browsing for a cartoon animation. She’s got great voice, really ;) the tune was so soothing I cant help but googled for the lyrics immediately, haha.

Besides I won't say much. All I can say is I, personally, am very proud to have such talented people in my church. God bless them, haha. Well, enjoy. At least I enjoyed hearing them sing ;)

BREATHE AGAIN by Juwita Suwito

Have you ever wondered how it feels when it’s all over
Wondered how it feels when you just have to start anew
Never knowing where you’re going
When you face a brand new day
It used to be that way
Now I just close my eyes and say

** I just want to breathe again
Learn to face the joy and pain
Discover how to laugh a little, cry a little
Live a little more
I just wanna face the day
Forget about the woes of yesterday
Maybe if I hope a little, try a little more
I’ll breath again

Starting out again is never easy
Disappointments come and go but life still moves on
With a bit of luck, it’s a brand new start
That might just work my way
No need to walk away
Don’t want to live on life’s replay

## Things will work out fine
If you can find the courage to look past the night
To see the break of dawn

Significant!! So significant!! And at the right time some more, haha :D

Friday, November 02, 2007

Forgive & Forget??

As easy as it may sound, can you do both? You can forgive, but can you really forget?

In the first place, why forgive? Because something not right happened. Why forget? Because we don’t want that very thing to weigh us down. Because we should be looking ahead, not backwards and dwell in the past. Because the Bible tells us so. Because God tells us so.

But the question is, can we forgive? Yes, we can forgive. Now, honestly. Can we forget? Ahah!! Some may find it hard to answer this second part of the question. I have to admit, I can forgive, but I find it very hard to forget. Not once, not twice. But many times. These past few days, the message of
FORGIVENESS – FORGIVE & FORGET keeps on repeating itself, and I guess it was no coincidence that I stumbled upon a few histories. The hurts have healed, but the scars remain forever. I may have forgiven, but I can’t bring myself to delete all that has happened. I may have forgiven, but no matter how hard I try to forget, the scars has already been imprinted so how else can it be removed without creating further damage?

As I look through my archives and chats history, past unpleasant incidences flooded my memory bank. How I was hurt by friends I thought was genuine, how I was betrayed by friends I thought I could trust. How I was stabbed in the back by friends who buttered their words till I fall prey to their schemes. I grew up and was given spiritual guidance in a local church. Therefore I knew what the Bible says about forgiveness. But really, forgiving and forgetting is a totally different story altogether. Likewise for a wound and a scar. In life, something that has been done cannot be undone. Life is not like a computer where you can edit an error, and replace that which was wrong. Neither is life like a computer where you can hit the delete button, and poof!, it is deleted. Only by his grace, heh.

Forgive, & forget? Friends... friends...

I BELONG TO YOU by Rueben Morgan

Open arms
Welcome me close to Your heart
And there I long to stay
Mercy falls
Cleansing my life in Your blood
Whiter than the snow

** I belong to You
Jesus my first love
You’re everything I’m living for
You’re the joy I know
Treasure I hold dear
I burn for You
My eternal love

Take my life
Join me forever with You
Make our hearts as one
Perfect love
Driving away all my fears
Freedom I’ve found

## Jesus, my eternal love
Jesus, my eternal love
Jesus, my eternal love

Thursday, November 01, 2007


一位坐在轮椅上的残障人士和一位能跑能跳的非残障有什么共同点呢?也许我应该问 “这两群人是否能了解对方?”

那位能跑能跳的非残障是否能完全明白那位坐在轮椅上的残障朋友吗?他的需要, 他的感受, 甚至他的自尊心。。

虽然他们是靠着那辆轮椅来过生活,这不代表他们是废物。。 轮椅有轮椅的精彩啊!! 如果你的想法只有 “恐惧,忧虑 和 疑惑”而不敢踏出人世,那不是会成为家人的负担吗?难道你要等到被逼的时候才开始学? 那时, 不会太迟了吗?
人生有生有死。。 难道一个小宝贝不会成长吗? 难道一个上了年纪的老人家不会去世吗?这只不过是你曾经问过我的一个问题。。 是你自己希望看见我独立起来, 是你自己曾经提议送我去美门残障中心住一住, 学一学他们的独立生活。。 是你自己曾经在朋友面前叫我学他们的独立。。 那, 现在呢?

我最讨厌的就是你曾经很爱把我和惠玲做比较。。 我不是讨厌惠玲, 反而要谢谢她让我看见世界上是绝对没有 “不可能” 这 3 个字。。 但, 我想说的是, 那时你只会称赞她的优点,公开我的缺点。。 那时, 她做到的,我还在学习当中。。 现在, 我也一样做到了。。 但你偏偏不在乎我的能力!! 送我去
爱,关怀之家都是一样的原因吧?我全心学会了这些, 除了为我自己好, 还为了谁呢? 都是为了你们长老以后不必担心我, 不必为我烦恼。。 但, 你们是否能明白这一切?
在我伤心失望的那一刻, 我叫你不必 call 我, 但我知道你都是为了关心我才来了那一通电话。 谢谢你一直以来的鼓励和支持。。我的心事说完了, 眼泪哭干了, 都一样睡不着。。 haih...