Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Is Cerebral Palsy (CP) genetic? 脑性麻痹症是否会遗传?

It never did cross my mind that this may be a subject playing in the mind of a potential, if we ever got together, and plan to start a life together. I was recently confronted with whether CP is genetic, and will eventually affect our future children, if I were ever to start a family, haha. I guess people think that this may be a very sensitive issue, and perhaps did not wanna hurt me by posing such questions.

I don’t think it is an issue to be worried about because I was not born with it. It only happened after a fever attack. To give you the benefit of the doubt, particularly on the genetic question, see this. Does it clear your doubts now? ;)

Also, view the history of CP, the causes of CP, and the various types of CP for further knowledge. So,朋友们。。 终于清楚CP的情况了吗? 终于明白CP是不会遗传的吗?哈哈哈。。当我听到一位朋友说CP遗传, 这真的笑死我了。。 哈哈哈。。

Saturday, June 21, 2008


Haven’t been a faithful believer like people see me to be. Revival? What’s the use of being gungho for church revival when all I really desperately need is personal revival first? When this song was being sung in church about 2 weeks ago, I couldn’t help it but dig for tissue again. How broken can I get? How hurt can I get? Though it was not, is not, and will not be a “burden”, yet it has indeed been a “burden” that I have no choice but to finally put down.

Why am I so broken? Why the sudden deterioration of communication? Why the unwillingness of trying to accept unchangeable facts? I know I am awaiting the day that I will explode, haha. I am human, for goodness sake!! When, O Lord, will all these hurts end? When, O Lord, will justice be shown? Why, O Lord, do I need to go through all these shit?

As Bread That Is Broken

O Lord, this wounded sheep of Yours
I need your healing touch

Thursday, June 19, 2008


Shan ding de feng liang de xiang zuan jin wo nei xin
Chen mo shi wo men zui jin wei yi de hua ti
Kan ceng jing qin mi de ai man man xiang you yi
Ai shi liu xing yi zhui luo jiu bu ting

Wo men chang shi rang bi ci cha yi neng yin xing
Yi han de shi hui bi bu neng jie jue wen ti
Dang wo pi juan de ning wang ni qiao cui biao qing
Zai bu she de ye gai rang ni yuan li

Wo ni de shou jian chi dao zui hou yi miao zhong
Na pa ai yao bing liang le
Zhi shao rang hui yi shi nuan de
Liao jie bi ai nan duo le
Wo men dou jin li le
Ye xu wen rou shi ting zhi (zai) wan liu

Wo ni de shou xiang er yu qing sheng shuo bao zhong
Rang yan jing jiu suan shi le bu zhi shi tong ye you gan dong
Yi qian mei yi ci hui shou dou wei le zai wo shou
Dan zhe yi ci shi wei le fang shou

你们开心了吗? 别再让他再受伤了, 好不好? 他也是人耶!!

这首歌,我不懂是好还是坏。。很久以前, 我妹妹把光良的album带回来。。 那时候, 我最爱的歌, 就是“童话” 和 “握你的手”。。 我这个“香蕉人”, 歌词什么意思, 我也不懂的。。 可是现在我华语进步了不少,哈哈。。 那么久了, 才真正的懂意思。。 不!! 应该说发生在身上才懂歌词的意思。。 哈哈。。

我experiment了很久, 才看得懂, 原来我就像副歌里面所说的。。不能否认, 最近我眼睛很容易湿, 很容易流泪。。 那是痛苦, 感动, 还是不舍得呢? 3个都有啦, 哈哈。。 也许外人不会明白我的困难, 因为他们更本不会了解我所面对的压力。。这次带出的刺语, 还不是一样的意思吗? 还不是一样要我“想清楚”吗?

哪怕爱要冰凉了,至少让回忆是暖的,了解比爱难多了,我们都尽力了。。我为什么会放弃, 我为什么会退步?全世界不明白, 无所谓。。 只要你一个明白, 我已经很开心了 :) 爱冰凉了, 有原因的。。 说出来, 你们会明白吗? 还是不说了, 哈哈。。

以前每一次挥手, 都为了再握手。。 但这一次, 是为了放手。。以前每一次去他家,玩的很开心。。的确是为了再握手。。可是现在, 我还有这个机会吗? 的确没有。。 因为放手了!! 开心了吗? 满意了吗?

Saturday, June 14, 2008


当我在上个星期的ai.fm节目里听到红蜻蜓这首歌, 就让我想起童年时候。。怀念我小时候的生活。。 那种没烦恼没压力的生活, 哈哈。。

和我玩皮却又可爱的学生们已有半年了。。 他们不只受教导, 反而也多多少少的让我从他们身上学习了很多做人的道理。。小孩子就是小孩子, 只懂得玩。。 除了考试做功课, 其他事情是kacang putih 了 :p

他们不会明白出外的危险,家人的吵闹,工作的压力, 甚至爱情的复杂。。我有一次听到一个十岁的小孩, 当他父母在吵架时, 就很天真可又很像大人的样子去问他两老“你们是不是吃饱没事情做?吵吵闹闹!!这样小小的事情,祷告啦!!”

很烦!!很累!!很显!! 我要回到儿童乐园。。 因为做个小孩子,真的不必有工作,家庭和爱情的烦恼。。