Wednesday, August 30, 2006


Going on a dreaded routine to the most dreaded place ever, I willed myself to keep focus on my main destination – the physiotherapy room, and not be distracted by the surroundings of patients on stretcher beds, drips & plaster cast. Inevitably, there is bound to be at least one. The moment I walked into the building, I kept my head straight, no left or right. But then as we passed the operating theater, I saw a patient with metal rods and screws protruding through his legs. Gosh. My mom was whispering under her breath about how it broke her heart to just look at them and how they had to suffer the pain and agony. She was just someone who happened to “see” one like that. How do you think the patient himself feels? Or how do you think someone who has gone through the experience herself would feel (Thankfully I didn’t have screws in my legs. I was given the choice to pick between a plaster cast and screws to pull my bones together. Of course I chose the plaster cast. I didn’t want to bear the ordeal of daily seeing rows of screws through my legs).

I shrugged the horrifying picture off my mind, just to fit another one in. Why do all these happen? A young, handsome-looking boy came in with 2 assistants who did everything for him. All he could do was lay motionless in the chair and stare upwards. Everything else was done by his 2 assistants. I have unending questions as to why such things must happen (of course I know that God is in control and He knows what He is doing). It is not that I am grumbling to God about it, but just in my own thoughts. It was just a casual sharing with Alvin about what I saw and how I felt about the whole situation. So, being a part Phlegmatic [good listener] and part Melancholy [will listen to complaints] that he is, this is what he sent to me as encouragement to me.

Truly, I am blessed. 2 days in a row. Blessed by the moral of the story below especially the last sentence, and by the fact that a great friend was willing to hear me out. And so the story goes:

When I was a little boy, my mother used to embroider a great deal. I would sit at her knee and look up from the floor and ask what she was doing. She informed me that she was embroidering. I told her that it looked like a mess from where I was. As from the underside I watched her work within the boundaries of the little round hoop that she held in her hand, I complained to her that it sure looked messy from where I sat.

She would smile at me, look down and gently say, "My son, you go about your playing for a while, and when I am finished with my embroidering, I will put you on my knee and let you see it from my side." I would wonder why she was using some dark threads along with the bright ones and why they seemed so jumbled from my view. A few minutes would pass and then I would hear Mother's voice say, "Son, come and sit on my knee." This I did only to be surprised and thrilled to see a beautiful flower or a sunset. I could not believe it, because from underneath it looked so messy.

Then Mother would say to me, "My son, from underneath it did look messy and jumbled, but you did not realize that there was a pre-drawn plan on the top. It was a design. I was only following it. Now look at it from my side and you will see what I was doing."

Many times through the years I have looked up to my Heavenly Father and said, "Father, what are You doing?" He has answered, "I am embroidering your life." I say, "But it looks like a mess to me. It seems so jumbled. The threads seem so dark. Why can't they all be bright?" The Father seems to tell me,
"My child, you go about your business of doing My business, and one day I will bring you to Heaven and put you on My knee and you will see the plan from My side."

The damage has been done. The most I can do is just say a prayer of blessing over them (yea, I do not know them, but so what? Jesus came to seek and save the lost, anyway) and hope that whatever situations they may be in, they will remain strong.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Truth #18...

Still feeling the way I do from the time of my previous posts early this morning, this is like an answer from the Lord. Or rather like a nudge/slap, hehe. How much more real can it get that as I was chatting & sharing with Alvin about bits and pieces of how I felt at that very moment (oh, he reminds me so much of a good friend none other than Wei Sern. Always there to lend me their ears. Sincere and always willing and ready to help when the need arises). Alvin fowarded this mail to me. He said he received it very shortly after I told him the situation. It has to be God.

He specifically wanted to point
Number 18 out to me. But he didn’t want to waste time and go through all the hassle of copy & paste, I guess. So I got the benefit of it, haha. Thanx, dear!!


1. Faith is the ability to not panic.

2. If you worry, you didn't pray. If you pray, don't worry.

3. As a child of God, prayer is kind of like calling home every day.

4. Blessed are the flexible, for they shall not be bent out of shape.

5. When we get tangled up in our problems, be still. God wants us to be still so He can untangle the knot.

6. Do the math. Count your blessings.

7. God wants spiritual fruit, not religious nuts.

8. Dear God: I have a problem. It's me.

9. Silence is often misinterpreted, but never misquoted.

10. Laugh every day, it's like inner jogging.

11. The most important things in your home are the people.

12. Growing old is inevitable, growing up is optional.

13. There is no key to happiness. The door is always open.

14. A grudge is a heavy thing to carry.

15. He who dies with the most toys is still dead.

16. We do not remember days, but moments. Life moves too fast, so enjoy your precious moments.

17. Nothing is real to you until you experience it, otherwise it's just hearsay.

18. It's all right to sit on your pity pot every now and again. Just be sure to flush when you are done.

19. Surviving and living your life successfully requires courage. The goals and dreams you're seeking require courage and risk-taking. Learn from the turtle --it only makes progress when it sticks out its neck.

20. Be more concerned with your character than your reputation. Your character is what you really are while your reputation is merely what others think you are.


“Lord, in your victory over sin and death on the cross and in your resurrection you give us the assurance of sharing in the eternal rest of heaven. Transform my heart with your love that I may freely serve my neighbor for his good and find joy and refreshment in the celebration of Sunday as the Lord's Day.”

[Shina dear, someone has blessed me with this. I shall pass this on to you *winkz* just felt led to do so, kekeke]

Monday, August 28, 2006

I Feel This Way...

You wanted to know the depths of my love for you
How much I really loved you
我的情也真, 我的爱也真
My affection is real, so is my love

The moon represents my heart.

You wanted to know the depths of my love for you

How much I really loved you
My affection does not waver, my love will not change
The moon represents my heart.

Just a soft kiss is enough to move my heart
An affection so deep, makes me long for it even until now

You wanted to know the depths of my love for you
How much I really loved you
Think about it, have a deeper look at it

The moon represents my heart.

[I dont know if the English translation makes any sense at all, but the mandarin one definitely does. I find it really meaningful lo, kekeke *winkz*]

I don’t know how to explain but I really like this song… Sweet, meaningful, touching, romantic *winkz*

However, if we look at it in a different perspective altogether, truly the moon represents our hearts, or us personally for that matter. The uneven surface of the moon, with holes here and there (and everywhere) explains that no matter how bright a moon in the night may shine or how beautiful it will look up there in the skies, behind it lies a creation, which is full of blemish and defects. One word: IMPERFECT!! Similarly so with us humans. No matter how hard we try to portray the good side for the world to see, it is only a façade in which we hide securely. Thinking that by hiding so comfortably behind that façade, no one will ever know the deeper, and darker, side of us.

But really, who are we kidding? We may run, we may hide. We may succeed from allowing people to see too much of our flaws. But we will never ever escape the all-knowing God. Yes, it may sound scary that there is Someone who will still know us deep down despite our hiding. Then again, it is also comforting to know that we can come before Him with our deepest secrets and pour our hearts to Him. We can also rest assure that He will not judge us the way certain human friends would. He would just listen, comfort us if He needs to, counsel us if He must.

Honestly, my thoughts have been in a TOTAL MESS for the past month. Raging hormones, I guess. Things that I couldn’t put into words to anyone else, situations where I want to see a change but has not. Passions and/or desires that I want to achieve, but have been held back due to physical restrictions. Unexplained logics, unsettled emotions. With all these running in my head, guilt is bound to follow because of the absence of a visible result.

Am I wrong to feel guilty? Is it something incomplete if I am unable to achieve something the Lord has impressed upon my heart to do? Can I rest assure in Him and be satisfied just with what I can achieve according to my limits? Is it wrong for wanting something more? Something out of/beyond what He has planned for me? Is there a possibility that a miracle would happen in any situation without His consent? If I persevere enough, would He one day give me the “green light?” I have weighed the pros and cons. Is this what I really, really want? Am I ready to begin a new journey when this happens? When Pastor Daniel did a closing and called for an altar call just now, I felt as though He was speaking straight at me. I really needed that. Leave it to God to speak at the right time, amen? *winkz*

May this song be a dedication to YOU despite what I am facing, all that I am feeling.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Sleeping With the Enemy!!

The best thing to do after a long day is to rest your heads on that cozy little pillow of yours and just fall into deep sleep. But then the worst thing that can happen, with the worst feeling ever, is to wake up and find that the enemy has attacked your territory. I was awaken at the crazy hour of 4+ a.m. by my sis standing stoned at the foot of my bed with fear in her eyes. She was actually doing her assignments on the computer when she found that a cockroach had entered my room, eeewww!! Still in a blurry & sleepy state, I thought she had merely wanted to take my make up set without waking me, but when she repeated the word, I immediately jolted up in my bed wide awake by then. There it was in the middle of my room, that stupid cockroach!!

I swore I would have screamed if it wasn’t for the fact that my parents were still sleeping. I was panicking when it didn’t go any further but instead inch closer to my bed. “Please! Please don’t fly!” were our desperate cries. We (I mean she) spent almost an hour trying to kill that stupid thing. When she told me, “This was not the one I saw. I saw a bigger one. Which means there could be another one in here, che,” I told her to shut up and quit the jokes only to see a bigger one come charging in from outside!! OMG!! I quickly squirm my way under the blankets, just in case it starts flying all over. My sis was holding a file in her hands heavy enough to squash that stupid thing if it ever came nearer. Never, never was I gonna get down from my bed if it is going to stay there and not budge!! But it never did. Instead it freaked us out when it “got lost” on the way out and went into my bathroom instead. Oh, man!!

With one of them in my bathroom (thankfully it found it’s way out a while later) and the other already out in the hall, I knew for sure that my sis would never risk entering the bathroom for morning routines. So I made her watch out for the gaps beneath my door as I rushed for a quick shower as early as 6.30 a.m. before she went over to a friend’s place to “borrow” the bathroom. What a day to begin with, haih. Hopefully we won’t have to go through the same ordeal again tonight, kekeke.

I HATE creepy crawlies. Call me a freak, but even lizards make me paranoid. What more cockroaches. Why on earth did God create them if they are pests, only meant to destroy stuff? Haha.

Monday, August 21, 2006

Happy Birthday, Connor!!

There’s no denying that you are one year older, haha. We had cell as usual on Friday, but I guess we were all restless. We could only think of the after-cell-birthday-celebration for Connor, our beloved cell leader, at Prince Café, heh. It was supposed to be a surprise makan for him, but I guess he had somehow suspected our mischief. I don’t know, probably I didn’t “hide” it well enough, haha.

Anyways, my cell had too few guys. We have 4 of them, but only 2 regular ones including Connor himself. So I decided to invite the Praise Givers along. Now, this being the first birthday that I am planning (Connor put me in charge of birthdays), I was a lil nervous as I don’t really know how to since I don’t know much makan places around. Thank God for a great help from Evie. She fed me with suggestions and ideas, and after a couple of changes in the plans we finally settled for Prince Café in SS2. I was cracking my head as to how to surprise him without him knowing in advance about it. We did okay and managed to get him there despite him already suspecting our “nonsense” XD

Actually, I was a lil disappointed that there was some miscommunication with J-Son. He was a little upset with the way some of the members of Light House arranged things. I had the right to know what happened, but he insisted that everything was settled and that it wasn’t my fault. I heard him mention a particular person’s name and I knew there & then that I had better watch out for my surroundings in future. I knew how things worked with J-Son since I was once under his leadership before, so I wanted to settle the whole issue and clear things off as soon as possible. Well, hopefully it is settled like he assured me so.

Attention back to the birthday boy!! After he had blown the candle, I could picture J-Son rubbing his palms together, with that cheeky smile plastered on his face, indicating that he wanted to make Connor enjoy some “fun”. As usual, the birthday persons usually have to go with the flow and “s
urvive” through so-called nightmares or whatever mischief others have ready for them. I guess Connor was graciously excused since he was more to the quiet type as his “nightmares” were bearable. He was only required to answer questions and what more interesting questions to ask than about his better half (although of coz he hasn’t had one yet)… whether has he got a target, her physical attributes and blah blah *lol* [it is high time he got himself his better half la, wahaha] Connor, you can do it!! We, your sheeps are all behind u XD

I planned for only a short entry so I’ll end here *yawn* BLESSED BIRTHDAY CONNOR!! Thanx for being a great leader. May your wishes come true in His timing *winkz*

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Why Do I Feel This Way?

Angry, frustrated, agitated. I feel so helpless. I feel so irritated with myself for feeling this way. Why? I know I shouldn’t be, but yet I am. Somehow I just can't help it. I just feel like I could break down emotionally any moment. It is my passion but yet I am unable and incapable of achieving it. How do I feed such a burning passion in me? Given a chance, I know pretty well that I would be performing it to my very best. But the fact is I am restricted from doing so. If I really wanted to, it will be at the expense of others. Would they be willing then to make that commitment just because I wanted to fulfill my own? There are so many things running in my head right now. I just haven’t been feeling my original self since a couple days back.

I have been at my lowest of lows since the retreat. I know I should have been recharged & re-energized after that 2-days break, but I just felt totally the opposite. I needed to let out. Although I couldn't reveal much of the details of what is going on in my head, it just feels good to have a friend in whom I can “bising” to. The first half of the day I had Alvin to let out on (although not every single detail), in whom I am truly grateful for. The other half of the day, I had a TOTAL RELEASE to my sis and everything started coming out. Frustrations I faced, and still facing, with someone. Irritation with the whole situation and how at the end of the day she told me that the conclusion of the whole issue may very well disappoint me. What if the very thing that I wanted was just not right for me? On the other hand, I may never know how God works and what interesting stuff He has in store for me. Am I ready for it if it EVER happens? Letting go of the old so that I can have space in my hands for the new?

Why do I feel this way? Why am I still holding on? I made so many promises only to see myself breaking it anyhow. What is the difference between the former and the latter?
Which is more worth it? A short term present situation or a long term thing? Anyhow, I do appreciate the both of you for being there for me. Thanks, my dears. Especially to my sis. Hey, thanks for hearing me out. Thanks for seeing through me and pointing out the things that I don’t see in myself. I have to agree with you that I am what you described me to be just now, heh. Just hope that I will be “alright” soon. That I will be able to overcome the whole issue and snap into reality fast enough. You could say that I’ve been wasting too much time and emotions? *sigh*

Tuesday, August 15, 2006


…was the message for this year’s DUMC Young Adults’ Retreat. Last Saturday morning saw the continuation of a journey that had begun last year, hence the theme for this year: “THE JOURNEY CONTINUES.” We started off with our banner as an identity for each of our groups. Having completed it, we were then supposed to go on an Amazing-Race-like treasure hunt to find clues that will lead us to the campsite.

When I looked at the piece of paper in Evelyn’s hands, I quickly directed them through the shortest and fastest way to arrive at Beautiful Gate SS2. It was then supposed to lead us to our next clue, but not without having to help them do something. We, I mean they the campers, were required to do some cleaning job for the centre in exchange for our next clue, which was our lunch packs at a stop in Mc D’s. My group started off late because of having to settle me in the car when the rest sped off without any delay. Nevertheless, we got 2nd place. I guess we caught up with the rest, and probably overtook them because they all stopped at Mc D’s for lunch, and some even went up to Genting, whereas we decided to save time, “tapau” and eat in the car, heh.

See a need, meet a need. We saw one, we met one. Hopefully this attitude of a servant’s heart will stay long enough in each of our hearts to make a difference to those who needs a helping hand. Truly, I am touched by a couple of them who really took the effort to be there when I needed them. Since I was given the golfer’s suite, Nicholas, one of the camp committee took the extra initiative to get a “buggy” for me as a means of transport to and from the meeting room. Definitely appreciated beyond words, haha. Alvin, despite having to run around his video duties, were there to help push me all the way to and from the restaurant when Nicholas was caught up somewhere and couldn’t come with the buggy. But most of all, Evelyn & Peter did the best jobs of being my teammates. Thanx, you guys!!

Pastor Chris and his wife Stella (we were told not to call her Auntie Stella), joined us the whole time. He shared tremendous messages which I believe has impacted us. It has changed at least half, if not all, of my perception on the subject of the Master, Mission & Mate. At the end of the sharing, as he gave an invitation for salvation, and a rededication of our lives back to God, I said a silent prayer which I would very much want to stick to it until the day a miracle happens, heh. He also threw us a challenge which I had very much earlier thought about, but didn’t get down to doing it, thinking that it might have very well been my own thoughts & assumptions. Now that it has been revealed, I shall know what to do next. I would have to start getting to know Pastor Seng Fei and his wife, Auntie Amy, more now.

All in all, it was a wonderful retreat. Getting the “See A Need, Meet A Need” message across was the whole main point. Also, it was the time spent getting to know new friends and meeting up with old ones that added to the fun, hehe… hopefully next year’s would a greater one *winkz*
[photos will be up as soon as Alvin is done compiling them]

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Lazy bum…

I feel so lazy today, haha… Probably due to the weekend mood, and the fact that I’ll be off for a 2-day retreat starting tomorrow (I’m finally going off for a break somewhere away from home). Weee~ Don’t get me wrong, not that I don’t like staying home, but I just wouldn’t mind an occasional breakaway *winkz* (Most of my friends who are going for the DUMC Young Adults’ Retreat get to take a half day leave, especially those from Dew Crew, plus the committee members who would need to be at the campsite a day earlier to set things up: Instruments, speakers and everything else on the technical side) Well, not that I can't take leave, just that if I don’t work, no money :p

But very honestly, despite sitting in front of the computer with my company’s website on the screen, my itchy hands, wandering mind plus an anxious-excited feeling just couldn't stop me from browsing other websites, blogging & chatting, and waiting for incoming mails on more updates with regards to the retreat. Haih, bad discipline. I can't help, it's just one of those I've-got-no-mood-for-work days, heh.

I really don’t know what to expect as this is my first major retreat with members of another church. I’ll just hope & pray that everything will turn out good *winkz* which reminds me, I managed quite okay when I went for Calvin's cell retreat at Fraser's Hill last year, except the fact that it was abit strenuous for them since they were totally new in handling a wheelchair user. Hopefully (I'm praying hard) this year's YA retreat wouldn't be so much of hassle la, kekeke :p Especially for those who would be “taking care of me”, my room-mate in particular.

Ok la, I'll try and go back to work. Cheerios!

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Staying Clear of Troubles

Come to think of it, I have not been to Beautiful Gate (bg) for months now. My visits there gradually grew from daily to weekly, since I started working from home and do not need to go there as often anymore. Then from weekly to monthly, but now, I don’t even go there once a month. Is having no transport a valid excuse? It could be a yes, it could be a no. Some of the inmates suggested that it was probably because a good friend of mine has moved out from there, so I no longer have close company if I do make it there. I can't stop them from judging or assuming. All I know is that I just wanted to stay clear of trouble, haha. Some said I have become “sombong” over time. Hmm…

I used to make it a point to go for their fellowship (something like cell group) every Wednesdays, especially the last Wednesdays of the month because there was this volunteer who was given the honour of sharing on the last week monthly. Remember Andrew? Now that he is somehow out of the picture, I kind of lost interest in making that commitment, heh. Of course there were times when they would call me to go along for events where translation from Mandarin to English was needed and I would be glad to help. But looks like situations have changed.

I have heard, seen and known people come and go because of disagreements with certain parties and the way things are carried out. Unreasonable cases of human relations caused me to keep a lookout for myself, just in case I would face the same predicament. That is the main reason for my staying as far as possible from T-R-O-U-B-L-E *lol* I have also been faced with various irritating individuals who have not stopped bugging me, all of whom were somehow linked to that place, directly or indirectly. One after another *sigh* I just got a call while at dinner 2 nights ago, but due to the fact that we had guests over, I did not answer that call. Truth be told, I didn’t WANT to answer it, knowing the reason behind that call (I love mobile phones, we get to screen through the calls. We get to answer/reject calls, depending on the urgency). This is the third case where I’ve received unwelcome calls, which made me so sick of looking for ways to avoid it.

When will all these mind-boggling issues end? Or will it never end? Do I have to get to a point of lying to squirm my way out? I know it’s not right to do that but if it would save me the emotional trouble, I wouldn’t mind an occasional “white lie” though. Besides, it worked the previous time I played that “trick”. Even up til now, as I play along, feeding a little lie here and there, it saved me a whole lot of effort trying to resolve the “problem”. Perhaps it is what I should do to stay clear of troubles once and for all.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006


Now I know why some of my friends love cats and/or kittens so much. Such an adorable lot, haha.

Haih, addicted *lol*

Aaarrrggh! Help my addiction! Wahahaha XD

Look at those sharp ears & big eyes! Yes, the right one looks almost like E. T. :p

Don't anybody dare wake me, or I'll scratch XD

Hey, lemme go!! I want my freedom!!

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Super Sunday!!

I left for church at 10.30 a.m. yesterday only to arrive home again at 11.00 p.m. What a busy day, haha.

I arrived late. By the time I was in that cinema-setting church, I had no choice but to sit alone. But of course, I spotted some friends sitting a few rows in front, and others were Dew Crew people running around their duties, video cams in hand. Anyways, Pastor Dr Philip Lyn was the guest speaker sharing on The 6 P’s to Crossing That Bridge in the Wilderness by Faith here. It was a very emotional few moments of introduction as he shared a video playback on the incident that happened to his daughter, Sarah, 4 years ago, how she faced death but yet how the miracle working God was so faithful to him and his family for preserving her life. At that very moment, my heart went out to them. I knew how they felt, for it was the same verdict that Sarah and I shared. Our situations may not be the same, but the cause was similar. The word brain damage explains it. All in all, God was faithful, is faithful and will remain faithful.

After the whole service, the Young Adult (YA) camp briefing was at DUMC Taman Megah (DTM) and I definitely needed a lift to get there [DUMC Sea Park (DSP) and DTM are 2 different venues altogether]. Indeed I was grateful because when Ps Eng Eng, the YA pastor, came by to ask me about transport, Alvin interrupted us and said he settled that part for me already. I'm surprised, grateful and speechless all in one. That was something I totally did not expect because I thought I would ask my cell members for that favour thinking that they would know how to handle me better than someone out of the cell. Truly, I am grateful that throughout my almost-two-months visits to DUMC, it was Alvin who took the initiative and “came to my rescue” in terms of my transport. This guy is well known for obliging to & going all out for others whenever there is a need. Being a Dew Crew member himself, he has helped take over duties of other members whenever they needed someone to stand in for them. Now I’m seeing it for myself! He does it willingly without complaining, even if it means going out of his way. Thanx for EVERYTHING, dude. Your reward is going to be great *winkz*

[* Great, trustable guy friends are always a plus point, eheh. I already have one currently in Melbourne, and now I’m blessed with another one. Wow *lol*]

Later that night, the members of my parents cell group came together for a farewell dinner for Uncle Michael & Auntie Choon Bae, and of course their beloved daughters Eunice & Evelyn who would be migrating to Melbourne, a journey of faith in obedience to the call of God. Having been with us for close to 10 years now, the parting was definitely difficult, but obedience is anytime always better than sacrifice. Hearing all they have to say about how the cell has blessed them tremendously was indeed very encouraging for it truly showed a servants’ hearts willing to go all out just to serve one another, to touch hearts and bless lives.

The joy of serving is beautiful indeed when we see that at the end of the day, others are blessed not only because of our love and speech, but also our actions for indeed the Bible says that actions speaks louder than words. For it is taught that the joy of serving is when we come before Him in humility and put Jesus first, others second and yourself last. Truly when it comes to Christian service, it is all about Him. AMEN!!

The Story of Silver Airplanes…

It is known that come August annually, Damansara Utama Methodist Church will all be geared up for its evangelistic play/drama. Members from different ministries put their efforts together to produce a story with a tinge of evangelistic message behind it. This is a time of planting, sowing or reaping the seed. It is a time of reaching out to pre-believing friends and family members and to tell them about the wonderful gift of salvation.

Ever since I got to know a friend who is a member of this church last year, I constantly took note of their events namely the August rally & the Young Adult (YA) camp/retreat. I quickly got used to the settings for the fact that they had a couple of cell groups which catered for the young adults (friends of the same age group range). This time around, I was a bit more familiar with the environment to be a comfortable spectator rather than a “sesat case” stranger *lol*

The one advantage of the church using the theater (former Ruby cinema) was that it was exactly like a cinema setting, with the big screen, multiple lightings and the many seats on those raised platforms, fitting close to a thousand people at one go. Anyway, scroll down for further elaboration on the play *winkz*

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

A Rainbow, A Turning Point?

When I blogged about rainbows here, I mentioned that I have not seen a real rainbow for quite some time since don’t-know-when. When a mixture of doubt along with an emotional downturn come weighing down on me, all I wanna see is a RAINBOW – be it physically or mentally/emotionally. All I want is the assurance that in the midst of such a “raging storm”, I can still see a “rainbow,” the promise that if I persevere enough, I would see light in such a dark situation. It can only be a miracle from God then.

It really hit me hard! I was absolutely speechless when I heard the heart breaking news. It took me a whole lot of courage to hold back those emotions. I refused to believe it was true. But I knew pretty well that it has to be!! Why else would she lie? Gosh!! I couldn’t bring myself to sleep while those thoughts were still running wild and alive in my head. I was so groggy and sleepy but yet I couldn’t fall into deep sleep until about 4am the next morning. It was disturbing, alright. It was that bad!

John 14:27 is a verse of encouragement for me from the prayer log for this week. It was so timely! I have been seeking the Lord for answers & directions, and to get this verse for the week was definitely uplifting. Things happen without a warning. When it happens, it is too late to ask “why?”. I have seriously been thinking so much about it despite that reassuring verse from the prayer log. My parents might have felt the same (but then again, I can't be sure.) way, but perhaps their faith is way bigger than mine, haha. I was glad to be out of the house that night, so that my mind could be taken off from the certain concerns.

The moment we left our front gate and turned the corner, I noticed a rainbow in the sky. The image was very vague. I tried capturing it, but failed. Never mind, what is more important is that I saw it with my very own eyes and I knew God was trying to tell me something. The two areas in which I needed peace, He has granted it to me. Now it’s up to me how I chose to perceive those 2 situations. A turning point, a hope in the hopeless situation? A reassuring answer for a doubtful mind? Thank God for that rainbow!! Thank God that a decision has been made. Thank God (and hopefully) that it is settled once and for all!!