Tuesday, August 15, 2006


…was the message for this year’s DUMC Young Adults’ Retreat. Last Saturday morning saw the continuation of a journey that had begun last year, hence the theme for this year: “THE JOURNEY CONTINUES.” We started off with our banner as an identity for each of our groups. Having completed it, we were then supposed to go on an Amazing-Race-like treasure hunt to find clues that will lead us to the campsite.

When I looked at the piece of paper in Evelyn’s hands, I quickly directed them through the shortest and fastest way to arrive at Beautiful Gate SS2. It was then supposed to lead us to our next clue, but not without having to help them do something. We, I mean they the campers, were required to do some cleaning job for the centre in exchange for our next clue, which was our lunch packs at a stop in Mc D’s. My group started off late because of having to settle me in the car when the rest sped off without any delay. Nevertheless, we got 2nd place. I guess we caught up with the rest, and probably overtook them because they all stopped at Mc D’s for lunch, and some even went up to Genting, whereas we decided to save time, “tapau” and eat in the car, heh.

See a need, meet a need. We saw one, we met one. Hopefully this attitude of a servant’s heart will stay long enough in each of our hearts to make a difference to those who needs a helping hand. Truly, I am touched by a couple of them who really took the effort to be there when I needed them. Since I was given the golfer’s suite, Nicholas, one of the camp committee took the extra initiative to get a “buggy” for me as a means of transport to and from the meeting room. Definitely appreciated beyond words, haha. Alvin, despite having to run around his video duties, were there to help push me all the way to and from the restaurant when Nicholas was caught up somewhere and couldn’t come with the buggy. But most of all, Evelyn & Peter did the best jobs of being my teammates. Thanx, you guys!!

Pastor Chris and his wife Stella (we were told not to call her Auntie Stella), joined us the whole time. He shared tremendous messages which I believe has impacted us. It has changed at least half, if not all, of my perception on the subject of the Master, Mission & Mate. At the end of the sharing, as he gave an invitation for salvation, and a rededication of our lives back to God, I said a silent prayer which I would very much want to stick to it until the day a miracle happens, heh. He also threw us a challenge which I had very much earlier thought about, but didn’t get down to doing it, thinking that it might have very well been my own thoughts & assumptions. Now that it has been revealed, I shall know what to do next. I would have to start getting to know Pastor Seng Fei and his wife, Auntie Amy, more now.

All in all, it was a wonderful retreat. Getting the “See A Need, Meet A Need” message across was the whole main point. Also, it was the time spent getting to know new friends and meeting up with old ones that added to the fun, hehe… hopefully next year’s would a greater one *winkz*
[photos will be up as soon as Alvin is done compiling them]

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