Monday, January 14, 2008

Sometimes mindsets can kill!!

演员A: 我知道你有什么都是为他好。。。 但是他现时已在社会做过事。。。 有了满足感, 有自己的想法。。。 你处处逼他, 他反抗只会越大。。。 你是不是想把他逼得做出反叛行为?

我常向神祷告, 望他早日成长。。。 早日学会自立。。。 到他真的可以到那么远打工, 我又怕他越走越远, 想起来, 我自己觉得很矛盾。。。

这样的想法。。 如果是从一位非残障而来,那我觉得你更笨还没完全了解我们这一群残障人士。。 像
我朋友所说的。。 How long can the parents be there to protect the child? What will happen to the child after the parents are no longer around?

拜托你!! 除了这一句, 我真的无话可说了。。 真的拜托你。。 给我一点空间, 好马?It is only through managing his own needs that the child regains a sense of self-reliance and self-worth. That confidence will in turn empower him to take charge of his own life, be responsible for his own actions and learn to be independent.

如果你想法只有“恐惧,忧虑 和 疑惑”。。 那我可以大胆的告诉你, 我绝对学不到东西的。。 绝对没机会独立起来。。 我可以保证, 你绝对不会永远在我身边。。 到时, 我是否会变成你放不下的负担?We certainly cannot expect the child to suddenly grow up and fend for himself. There are skills that are required for activities of daily living and skills needed for living independently. These have to be learnt over a period of time.

现在, 因为他是个残障人士, 你担心我的安全。。 想想看, 如果我没有他, 到时你是否也一样会担心完全没有人照顾和陪伴我过生活?

Haih... Sometimes mindsets can kill...