Saturday, September 22, 2007

Lessons To Learn From...

1) NEVER take a relationship (or rather, your other half) for granted. You will never know when it is too late to even appreciate them.

2) A relationship involves 2 persons. Therefore, two-way communication is very, I repeat, VERY important. If only one party speaks all the time, the other party will soon get restless and eventually want out!!

3) Humility, dignity, respect and trust PLUS a give-and-take attitude is a package that comes with a relationship. If one does not learn the art of give-and-take, instead thinks of him or herself all the time, then he or she should do a self check before progressing with the relationship and hurting the other party in the course of time.

4) Honesty is the best policy. No matter how hard the situation may be, speak your heart and tell the truth. First hand truth is better than second hand story. Respect your partner by giving him/her first hand truth rather than for him/her to find it out from an outsider.

5) Guys dislike their girls to be too dependent on them (the guy) for everything, let alone despise themselves (the girl). They prefer a more independent partner who can fend for herself in his absence, and one who takes her life seriously.

Thanks to this couple, both of whom are my friends, I was able to see and learn something new from the failure of their relationship. Of course, I also saw the true color of someone full of insecurity. Having heard both sides of the story, I would rather give the benefit of the doubt to someone whom I have known for almost half a decade rather than someone I only met less than a year. Their story also ended in less than a year.

Hey dude, you deserve someone better ;) “Kar yau!!”

* Note to self:
1) NEVER take a relationship (or rather, your other half) for granted.
2) Two-way communication is very, I repeat, VERY important.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Mixed feelings?

爱是恒久忍耐 又有恩慈
Ai shi heng jiu ren nai you you en ci
Ai shi bu ji du
Ai shi bu zi kua bu zhang kuang
Bu zuo hai xiu de shi
不求自己地益处 不轻易发怒
Bu qiu zi ji de yi chu bu jing yi fa nu
Bu ji suan ren jia de e
不喜欢不义 只喜欢真理
Bu xi huan bu yi zhi xi huan zhen li

Fan shi bao rong
fan shi xiang xin
fan shi pan wang
凡事忍耐 凡事要忍耐
Fan shi ren nai fan shi yao ren nai
Ai shi yong bu zhi xi

Can I be honest with myself? Am I being honest at all in the first place? What was I feeling, what was I thinking when I was told of that news? I was scared… I was more afraid than jealous, really… But the Bible says in 1 John 4:8 that PERFECT LOVE CAST OUT ALL FEARS ;) If I choose to love, I should not fear!!

I choose not to envy (or be jealous)… I choose to believe, I choose to trust!! Most of all, I choose to LOVE!!

爱是不嫉妒… 所以我选择不嫉妒 :)