Sunday, June 12, 2005


Hmm, after such a long time of not attending cell, yesterday was a really refreshing time going back there again, hehe… Worship was wonderful, I felt the Lord prompted me about certain things in my life that I had to set straight… The most important point was to trust His Sovereignty, without questioning His time, plans and decisions for my life… It wasn’t much of a heavy sharing, just doing some test on discovering the gifts that each of us have… When we’re done, I really couldn’t believe what my gift was, seriously!! I had the Gift of Missionary and Gift of Helps, both with the same, highest point – 14!! To admit it, I kinda reread the test just to make sure I had on the right and honest answers… Then, the Lord reminded me about the many prophesies that various pastors n speakers had spoken over me… So, why doubt this test? Even visions and dreams from friends has kinda confirmed it, but it all really depends on the timing of God…

Some dreamt that I was walking like normal again, some had visions about me serving God, but the ones that I could remember clearly were 1) a vision about me driving a car… 2) a dream about me in my Rangers uniform, serving young children (which has partly came to past – I am in the Rangers helping out with the youngest age group)… 3) a dream about me joyfully dancing round my dad…

But this vision from Dr. Ananda has remained ever so clear in my head til now… When I was in the line, waiting to be prayed for, I actually felt cold at first, but now at the altar, I was sweating in my palms… Hmm, must be the power of the presence of God, yea? Anyway, when he was praying for me, he asked me, “Do you love Jesus?” Of course I do!! “Do you wanna be a missionary for Him?” Wow, my heart started beating so fast… So, when I said “yes”, he started praying for that desire of mine… Stopping in the middle of his sentences, he said, “I see you driving a car into the villagers, giving charity to the children there…” Whoa!! See that? Two points there: Driving and Children!! I’ve always had the passion for young kids and here he is confirming that in the presence of my family… and the whole congregation!!

Anyway, the test
required us to give an honest answer of our experiences as a Christian… The results states that my gift was in the area of Helps & Missionary.

Ø HELPS – The gift of helps is the special ability that God gives to certain members of the Body of Christ to invest the talents they have in the life and ministry of other members of the Body, thus enabling those others to increase the effectiveness of their own spiritual gifts.
Mark15:40,41 Luke8:2,3 Acts9:36 Romans16:1,21 Cor12:28

Ø MISSIONARY – The gift of missionary is the special ability that God gives to certain members of the Body of Christ to minister whatever other spiritual gifts they have in a second culture.
Acts 8:4 Acts 13:2,3 Acts 22:21 Romans 10:15 1 Cor 9:19-23

My prayer: With God’s help, I will do my best, to serve God, with the Gifts He has given to me, using it to the fullest, for the glory of His Kingdom. Amen!!

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