Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Just stop it!!

It’s damn annoying to know that history is repeating itself again. It happened before, it is happening again. It can be avoided if people weren’t too free to start creating havoc. I can never understand what thrills them so much to see arguments happen between two very close friends which will lead to their drifting apart. Is it jealousy? Or just for the heck of it?

At one point some time ago, my friendship with a fellow friend deteriorated just because of uncalled for rumors. And now that I am in a totally new environment, I thought that it will not happen again. Perhaps I thought wrong. Enough is enough!! Whoever you are, don’t you think I deserve some respect? Thanx for the “help”, but no thanx, ok?? Read me properly: NO THANK YOU!!

After an event last Thursday [yes, last Thursday is correct. I have been missing from cyber world because of a very irritating connection again. Thankfully, I dun have to use streamyx for work anymore. And yes, I have started my new job. Will go more into it later], I just sensed something fishy and felt a bit uneasy at that. True enough a day later, I was confronted. Whoever you are, will you just stop it?? Please read the four-letter word properly: I HATE the way my friendships are being ruined by a third party!! If you happened to bump into this but still don’t get the hint, God bless you for being so insensitive!!


*esther* said...


marah gilerr... haha.

Anonymous said...

seek clarifications lor.. peacemaker isnt abt not rocking the boat.. like wat my fren told me today tt she just discover this...

i m a firm believer the biblical way of peacekeeping isnt abt sweeping things under the carpet...hehe...

take care thou..

Elaine said...

to est: sape tak marah? dah lah kita cakap jgn buat kacau.. tapi ni tak, tetap nak kacau jugak!! melebih-lebih pulak tu :p if this person knws the limits, he/she will knw when to stop!!

to infinity: thx for the advice.. i will do the best i can to be in peace with this person.. but if it steps over my limit line, then it's a different thing altogether.. haha.. p/s: ooh, do u happen to be carmen foong again? keke..