Thursday, November 16, 2006


I turned prematurely a year older by two days, haha. It was pre planned that since we don’t have cell on Friday, there will be a “cell makan outing” on Wednesday for the members of Light House. Evie picked me up and headed for THE CURVE yesterday. I just allowed myself to be pushed and led around as I have only been to that place once.

So I thought it was only a casual “makan” with my cell members. Surprisingly, as we exited the lift, I saw Sharon from Father’s Garden. Suspicion started building up, and it really doubled over when I spotted the rest of the Father’s Garden members sitted around a
table in Restaurant Heaven. It was a unique place, with a live band complimenting our dinner. They take song requests too *winkz*

When You Say Nothing At All, If Tomorrow Never Comes A birthday “makan” will not be a birthday “makan” without the HAPPY BIRTHDAY song, hehe. A really sweet and simple celebration!! Thanx!! To the person who organised it (i'm sorry i dunno who, but u knw who u are), thank u!! Tho it is short, sweet and simple, it still means alot to me, really!! It's the thought that counts, amen? ;) ooh, and a very nice place u chose too, with the singing and all, haha... To the members of Father's Garden (whether anot ur being there is planned), thank u for being a part of this. Heard that u guys are supposed to have cell tonite? Haha... Thanx for having been a part of my life, tho it has only been a short time that i got to knw u guys... To every1 who were there, thanx for all the blessings and wishes... Will treasure and keep them close to heart :)
Light House: My very own cell group
Light House girls
Evie girl!! The most bubbly, jumpy, laugh-y gal I ever met :p hehehe
Nicole.. I guessed she was the one behind this surprise for me, heh.. Thanx girl!! I had a great time..
Father’s Garden: Two cells before mine.. I call them our “grand mother cell” XD

The candle that a friend used as an illustration for his birthday blessings for me.. So sweet :”>
Ooh, and Sharon... That was a very good way of detouring and cover-up, haha...

Thanx and thanx again!! May our friendship be blessed with many many more years to come :)

Hugz & muakz from me... Hahaha :))

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