Wednesday, November 08, 2006


NO COMPROMISE! How will this phrase affect and/or make an impact in my life? Referring to last Sunday's message by Ps. SS Kee entitled FAITHFUL OR FATAL CHOICES, I have always been taught to follow the right teachings of the Bible and never compromise my stand for God. But can I do it? Am I courageous enough to stand for what is right? Or do I just ignore the faults and play along with it? My new job has been good. Or so it seems. Whatever that means, I just want to do the right thing, according to His will. I have passed one stage where the theme “No compromise” is concerned. Is this another test? Lord, help me!!

On a different note, I am seeing a new perspective for a new future. Yeehaaa. Speaking of new, indeed I want quite a few new things. But am I ready for it? When He drops it on my lap, am I ready to embrace it? For this, I have to thank a good friend for offering perceptions and insights to the situation. Thanx Wei for taking the time to hear me out that day *winkz*

Speaking of new, my new “car” arrived yesterday. My very own, made-up version of “Quickie 813”, haha (dun ask me what’s with the number, tho. Heehee.) Moving about in the office is now a very much easier task, especially having to carry big and heavy files. I need to use the typewriter and the computer alternately, so switching from one workstation to another has also been made easier with my dear Quickie. Let’s see if I get to use it at other times besides work. Perhaps like shopping, where I don’t need people to push me around, and therefore can go wherever I like.

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