Thursday, March 30, 2006


Is it too much to be expecting more than God has oredi blessed me with? I used to come to Him like a small kid with my requests, hoping that He will grant it to me… but some one argued with me saying, “How could you?? No matter what, shouldn't you be submitting to His will rather than expecting and demanding that He does it for you juz becoz you asked Him to?? I mean, like, He’s the One in control, not you.” Hmm, but didn’t He also say in Mark 11:24 that “watever we ask for in prayer, believe that we have received it, and it shall be ours.”

Was reading corinne’s blog, and the last sentence of her Tuesday’s entry really hit me right in my face… “Indeed, we must learn to live expectantly in God and He never fails to exceed expectations - in more ways than one!” My cousin had also hinted something similar, in her very recent entry, to what’s running in my head right now, and I can definitely relate to her… I mean those were the days where despite being immediate cousins, we use to be the shy and quiet girls, somewhat distant where communication is concerned… but I guess people do grow up and I’m glad we have quite a handful of stuff in common that made me relate so well to her (poserism is for sure, huh, Yin? *lol*) now, especially after she left (and then came back again) for canberra +D wow, it’s definitely much more fun now, babes, haha… err, when’s your next return to malaysia ar? Anyways, thanx for that post, girl =) even tho you didn’t exactly dedicate it to me, I could still understand how you feel about the whole thing, heehee… lemme assure you that you’re definitely not alone *high five*

Yes, I can never run from God, for He knows all things, even the unspoken thots & desires deep within. All He wants is for me to CONFESS it. My mom once threw this at me, “If you really want it, have you been constantly asking & seeking the Lord for it? Have you even ever thought about it??” At that point, I juz felt indifferent about the whole issue… what diff will it make whether or not I was blessed with it?? Am I gonna be a happier person? Is life gonna be more exciting then? But things seemed to have changed now, after what Json shared in cell a couple weeks back… Dude, you really “stirred” me mentally and emotionally, man, haha *winkz* I mean, you really made me think deeeeep, wahahaha... truth revealed, I constantly fall back on it and find myself pondering long hrs on it =p why I say truth revealed? That’s coz I’ve actually promised myself not to be too anxious about this whole issue and think about it anymore, but forgive me Lord, I’m human, and the truth is I found myself thinking back at it so much…

Was chatting with alvin about this same issue (in fact, we practically chat about anything at all when online, haha), and somehow, he might not realise it, but he was the one who indirectly inspired me to seek the Lord about it again, and for now, that’s juz what I’m gonna do – seek the Lord about it again… yes, expectations… which I believe He “is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us.” And Cor, thanx for that post which really encouraged me A LOT (in fact, it’s nothing from that post, it’s juz one simple sentence that did the trick) *hugz* ok, elaine, enuff of crapping!! Haha, yea, I’m still waiting, kekeke…



redphayze said...


*hugs* i'm glad that God spoke to you through my

i believe that it's more of living expectantly in God's will - cuz once we put ourselves in the position of seeking His will, we can live expecting Him to work in and through us! Also, as we learn to understand His will & heart, His desires for us takes place in our hearts too =)

i didn't know you had a cousin in canberra too! cool is that? =)

Elaine said...

haha *returns hugz* amen! all i can say is amen! but seriously, i have always thot that we shud be obedient to wat He says, and juz submit to Him watever it may be..

u knw, like, "How dare u demand of the Father wat u want? Shut up, be obedient & listen to HIm" kinda thing *lol* but now that u have shared this, which REALLY spoke to me, i shall begin EXPECTING His miracles =D

yeaps, cool ;p and i used to wonder if u guys ever bumped in2 each other be4.. hehe