First off, DUMC started this new Zone Prayer thingy, where each cell under one zone will meet to pray and minister (may I add fellowship) to one another. Yesterday was PJ North 4 & PJ South 2 under Pastor Seng Fei. No doubt, I was jittery and therefore hesitating whether or not to go since I dont really like big crowds. But I went anyway. I am not a fan of corporate prayer meetings, but I was really glad I decided to go. Juz being in His presence was what I needed. In a way, I am blessed by what was shared. But in another sense, I am blessed to be able to bless others *winkz*
Go back 4 hours before the zone prayer. I was keeping myself busy with making some muffins again, this time around to bless more people, since the last time I only made enough for my own cell members, heh. Ooh, the joy of seeing people appreciate your effort and being blessed by it :) but Sharon & Alvin from Father’s Garden said the blueberry one taste better, and I thought so too. Anyway, someone offered the suggestion of having them muffins for this year’s CARNIVAL, heh.
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