Wednesday, January 24, 2007


…always puts a smile on my face :)

…brings warmth to my heart

…lets me know that God is constantly working in and through the friendship that we share

It has been a question mark as to what has happened to my dear friend Wei Sern, who has, ever since his sister’s wedding, gone back to Australia and subsequently [quoting josh]“disappeared from the face of this earth (or is it the cyber realm).” Josh buzzed me last night to see if I may have known what has happened to our friend WS. Just when I said I do not have a single clue, he instinctively came online, heh. [panjang umur, haha]

Again, he called me all the way from Aussie. Though the conversation was somewhat short, it is really the thought that counts. Sometimes little things like that can make your day. It definitely made mine, haha. Thanx dude!! p/s: ooh, I’ll bear in mind what you said about taking initiatives *winkz* see ya soon, hehe :)

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