Monday, September 12, 2005


Are we satisfied with our lives? or are we not? if yes, why… or if no, why not? this is what the sharing was about in cell last friday… when Joan said that we will go one round (each taking their turn), I started thinking of my purpose in life, and whether I was happily satisfied and contented with where I am right now…

I would say that I have my satisfaction and dissatisfaction as well… one of the main things that I was satisfied about (which I truly thank God for speaking to me about it) was that I’d found my area of ministry… I didn’t know or cared much about serving Him until I came to Grace (a place where I have, undoubtedly, matured much in Him), where ps henry was constantly speaking on serving (the heart of a servant), and missions (which also include the ministry that we are in)…

As I began to understand what these two terms really meant, I also wanted to find out the right ministry He wanted me to serve in… some place where I can be natural in doing the things I love!! it wasn’t just by the snap of a finger that I found out… it took me more than 5 years to discover that, really!! He has shown me, through dreams and visions from friends, mostly adults (even had one preacher, evangelist – I cant remember what the church called him – prophesied that I was to be involved in children’s ministry), that I was best suited in areas where kids and/or young children are involved… and having served in one relating to these cuties, I can truly see the fruit of my labor, glory to God!! At least I'll know that I’d be able to serve Him well in the area I'm called to…

Yea, so basically, serving has to come from the heart and when we have the joy of doing so, we will see the satisfaction of it… amen? Esp when you can see the kids maturing and growing in the Lord, and in His Word… kids, even at their very young age, can do pretty well, and they learn pretty much just by observing the people around them… through my many years of dealing with them, it is observed that they particularly look up to the authority figure, esp those who will take the effort of spending the extra time finding out wats goin on in their daily lives…

But I do have to admit that I need brushing up in my spiritual walk with Him…

Lord, I come into your presence
I enter in with open arms
Come renew my mind, my spirit
I will overcome
Lord, I come into your presence
I enter in with open arms
Come renew my mind, my spirit
I will overcome

Coz I know, it’s your touch
In my life, makes me whole
To feel, you near
It’s the longing of my soul

Come again, saturate all my world
Come again, to this arms open wide
Come again, this is my prayer
Coz I wont let you pass me by
Come again


*esther* said...

haha... this spam comments are darn irritating right? haha...

anyways... stay true to who you are as the Lord continues to guuide ya thru ur journey.. aights? ^_^

Elaine said...

so totally agree!! super darn irritating!! it's sooo stupid, i tell u... hrrghh!!

hey, thanx... will definitely stay true... not only to God, but to anything that's of interest to me, ehhe *winkz* (u sure knw wat i mean) my middle name is "faithful", remember? *giggles*

Cheer said...

Hi sister: really encourage and touch by your post. COntinue to Love Him wholeheartedly and seek Him with all you have . My church motto. Love God wholeheartedly and people Fervently . It is not easy But He promise that He will never leave us nor forsake us. Lets press forward to the goal ahead.Amen . By the way, i am from singapore :)

Elaine said...
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Elaine said...

hi there cheer,
thanx for dropping by =) praise the Lord that it has encouraged u somehow, hehe...

like wat Matt 6:33 says, to seek Him FIRST, amen? *winkz* it is also comforting to knw that He has promised to be faithful to us, if we remain faithful to Him, ya?

do pop by again someday, yea? and u keep it up for Jesus too, my fren *smilez* God blezz!!

Anonymous said...

Pls what is the name of the artist that sang the song of the lyrics above..pls need urgent reply.
Thanks in anticipation