Wednesday, May 28, 2014

The Seed of Love

I never knew such a blessed opportunity of seeing such a nostalgic sight would still come my way after almost 20 years. It stirred my excitement to see such beautiful sights of it when I visited Gary Ding in Changkat Kruing . As I approached the Saga seed-carpeted road of that little town, the child in me gently insisted that he helped me collect it, having in mind for it to be a gift for my hubby on our 2nd Wedding Anniversary.

Every time I look at those seeds in the bottle, it reminds me of my beloved:
1) Red happens to be his favorite color. 
2) That little amount in that bottle is only a fraction of what I have hand-picked. Out of the many that fell from the tree, some may have defects - physically, mentally or emotionally. It is then that I have to have the wisdom to discern which to keep and which to ignore/forego.
3) The tedious task of picking each one and carefully placing them in the bottle is similar to the tedious task of caring for each of his needs and making sure he is as neat as he is.

I have had friends come up to me and asked why I chose the date I chose for our wedding and whether or not there is any significance to that date. Well, 19 in mandarin is 一九。就是要专一,也要永久!Awesome, aight? As we celebrate our 2nd milestone, it is with a heart full of overflowing gratitude that God has put us together to complete each other. Our relationship equation is not 1 + 1 = 2 but 1/2 + 1/2 = 1. Where there is a will, there is always a way. We're here on earth for a reason: To live life for Him and to live it to the fullest. 


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