Sunday, October 05, 2008


SERMON TOPIC: THE ALIGNMENT SERIES X: Alignment With God’s Plan – God honoring Courtship

7 Principles of God-Honoring Courtship

1. Seek council first before going steady (Proverbs 15:22) ~~ Let the mind lead, not the heart.

2. Do not be unequally yoked (2 Corinthians 6:14) ~~ A good result from a wrong decision does not make the decision right.

3. A period of truly knowing and appreciating each other better
- dreams, visions and goals
- beliefs, convictions and values
- likes & dislikes, preferences & differences
- expectations (roles & responsibilities)
- motivations & morals
- heritage & legacies (“this is what I remember about him/her”)

4. A serious period to prepare for marriage (Malachi 2:14-16)

5. Put God first in the relationship (Proverbs 19:21, 15:33)
- Cultivate a fear of God

6. The importance of the Christian community (Hebrews 10:25)

7. Seek to build healthy and wholesome relationship (1 Thess 4:3-7)
- “Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, think about such things. If anything is exellent or praiseworthy, think about such things.” Philippians 4:8

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